Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Search For Balance: Unicorn, Task of Sisyphus Or Reality?

First, I want to say a tremendous thank you to each person who has contributed, posted my blog as a link (assuming that is even the right terminology!) or otherwise just been so positive about this little endeavor.  If I failed to reply to an individual comment, it is unintentional. I had a weird day where all I wanted to do was tell a specific male client exactly what he could do with his snark and disrespect, but I digress.  Or the dude who almost bowled me over in trying to get out of the elevator like it was on fire--I mean, come on. FLR or not, let's at least be moderately respectful of my six inch heels and not literally push me back by the force of your unnecessarily dramatic exit.  Again, a digression I am sure will be a post shortly.

One of the themes I struggle with in my own mind has come out in several comments.  This concept of balance and how to achieve it.  On the one hand, I have read several posts or blogs where men seem to just want more dominance, more control, more expressions of authority.  I certainly understand that conundrum--they are asking to serve and to be submissive, and need a woman who can take that on and give them the clarity and clear expectations they seek. And, frankly respect of the choice they have made.  It is both beautiful and daunting.

On the other hand, I find myself wondering sometimes how the hell to do that in practical terms. What is the right balance between being in charge and taking the decision fatigue away from your partner (while also having the comfort in the clarity/authority of your own decision making), but feeling like you are not just telling him what to do or, more worrisome, colossally making some form of a scarring mistake.  It is my point in referencing the mythical punishment of just rolling a huge ball up the hill to watch it roll down again, and then back up the hill......Sometimes that is how I feel this internal mind struggle of mine would look if put to imagery. Or maybe wrapping around axles for you gearheads.

As my beautiful husband pointed out when we were talking about this earlier today (and he discovered my blog), adding more to my plate by making me micromanage him doesn't really address what we are trying to do--find ways for him to actively help and contribute that allow me the freedom to lead.  There is such a beautiful gift in a man's submission and I know that he wants me to be ultimately in charge.

Someone saying to you, I love you and trust you to lead me is its own unicorn of sorts (what many women (or men--Not trying to exclude anyone!) would dream of), but I at least would be straight up lying if I said I was not wondering how I can ever measure up to such an incredible gift and the true effort that needs to go into such nurturing.  So therein lies the great debate.  How to lead and give the beautiful man who offers to support you in all ways the authority and clarity he needs from you without being a micromanager or somehow failing him in this and what he clearly needs or has asked for, and which you may or may not even understand yourself. {Please forgive the inherently rambling sentences}

I am not sure I yet know the answer, and I worry sometimes that even asking how he is or what he is feeling or where he wants to come out on something that I am somehow shirking my responsibilities to take ownership of the decision(s).  It really is not that. I genuinely want to know what he wants, needs or feels so I can develop the best strategy for our seemingly increasingly complicated life.  I want to make sure I am considering all the options and making him feel respected and heard.  But, then the worry creeps in. Am I being assertive enough? Am I showing him he can trust me? Am I giving him the control and dominance/authority he seems to want/should expect from me? Or am I just backdooring the same kind of no, you decide, as long as it is what I want (but which I will totally not tell you), from which we both fled in previous marriages.

So this is my struggle.  In finding balance between giving him the authority he craves and has asked for, and in being confident in my ability to truly lead, with the overlay of fear that I may make him feel inconsequential or just generally hurt him emotionally in some irreparable way by my choices (see earlier post re childish flouncing).  I said in response to a comment earlier, that I think this grayer area is the hardest to navigate.  Simply controlling all choice, or giving up all choice, is easier in some respects, but it is not what I wish to have. So I continue to search for the right, and possibly mythical, unicorn of balance.

In the event you may be a dominant partner who is reading this and struggling with this same thing, fear not! At least one other person faces this minute by minute.  Submissive husbands/partners, I say to you that I also get it and respect it.  And I am hopeful with all of the amazing voices that have already started to contribute that we can all start to articulate answers to what are clearly amorphous issues, and both generalized and specific struggles.  Submissive men, please share too....I am fascinated by what you may really want when you say I need or want more control or authority or dominance--please, please share specifically if you can.  Dominant women, speak of how you deal with what I hope is not just a struggle for me.

But, maybe the search for balance is neither mythical beast nor rock rolling, but something that can be achieved with hard work and dedication to your relationship.

Please keep sharing and contributing.  The feeling of isolation that can come from starting out with this, particularly when you do not have friends or fellow submissives or dominants with whom to share live can be daunting.  I remember re-reading specific posts of particularly poignant words and thinking, ok, maybe this is possible in my sphere of comfort, and reading them time and time again to make them less ethereal.  Many of the posts on blogs I highlighted brought me a sense of peace and normalcy I guess.  I'll just hope I can offer even a shred of that to my reading audience.

This can be a world of love, respect and a strengthening of an emotional bond that I never even thought possible.  But it is a struggle, at least for me.  A daily inquiry into what I am doing and what I can best do to lead us certainly comes up in spades, but it is a journey in which I believe is wholeheartedly worth both the investment and investigation to figure out how to do it (mostly) right. Or at least fake it until I make it.

Thoughts, comments, questions, etc. welcome.  And thank you all for the support. It is immeasurably comforting.


  1. Very well written Rhiannon. As a submissive male I've never looked at the problems a dominate may run up against. May I ask how your husband asked for you to lead? It appears you agreed to be his dominate but did you both sit down and talk about what being submissive and what being dominate means to each of you? Have you looked at other blogs where men are submissive? And I mean blogs where the man is truly submissive and not just someone's fantasy? Has he explained just he expects out of being submissive. For us when we entered our FLR there was a lot of talking and looking on the net for both of us. This is also not just what he wants or expects. As the Dominate you are in charge and he must accept what you decide. Good luck.

    1. Arcedone:
      Thanks for contributing. We have talked about what this means, and I have read other blogs of men who are truly submissive. They help give perspective on what the other person may be dealing with. In some ways, reading more is what puts me in this qunadry--there is so much to think about.

      Although I probably sounded more unsure than I am, the post was really meant to be about the overall struggle with this and in figuring out how to get to the best path.

      He unquestionably accepts what I decide. This particular post, and much of what I am doing here is trying to find and consistently apply confidence. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you will keep contributing.

  2. Hi Rhiannon

    I first read your post several hours ago and have been thinking about what submission means to me. I'm still learning but advice I have received is that the relationship will be what it becomes through what N wants it to be through an organic process. I trust her explicitly to define the relationship and what she wants from it and from me. I may desire more control, kink, whatever, but they are just wants. We learn that we never get everything we want and it is a good thing to exercise some control over pursuing these desires. Self control is something I lack and I have an addictive personality which almost destroyed our relationship. I trust her to moderate my desires, to guide me to be a better person and to help me grow and develop. I'm not sure where she will take me on this journey, all I know is that I want to take the journey with her.

    In thinking about what I get out from my submission is a little harder to articulate and something I really don't have a full appreciation for as yet. In essence I gain sanctuary, a place I can be myself, safe, loved and cared for. I am socially awkward and have difficulty in social settings. Anyone who can see through that is someone I want to be with. I really get satisfaction from being of service. As this is still new I find that at times N feels uncomfortable in doing what she wants while I doing chores, but honestly it brings meaning, focus and time to reflect. The more I do, the more sense of satisfaction I get. I want her to be comfortable in her role and willing to lead us.

    I'm not looking to be micro managed, I don't need extensive lists or constant reminders. I feel responsible for completing the tasks as required and to the desired standard. I trust that if I don't do something as she desires she will correct me and I will then do it that way. I really take pride in this. Punishment is not part of the dynamic but I like to be spanked. It helps centre me.

    In return I get thanks, praise, and sex sometimes. But most of all I get a loving, caring relationship in which I feel safe and able to be myself. Something that has alluded us in the previous 24 years.

    I am really enjoy your style of writing and look forward to your thoughts on your journey. DtBHC.

    1. DtBHC,

      Thank you for the thoughtful post. You sound similar to my husband in many ways. I know he gets real satisfaction from service and also believes he trusts me to lead. Safety and sanctuary are two critical things I strive for.

      May I ask how you are corrected if it is not corporal? Also, does your spanking come in just for fun or is it a show of dominance/submission that factors in?

    2. Hi Rhiannon

      Reading the responses to your post raises a number of questions that make me uncertain of myself and raises my insecurities. Orgasm control seems to be a key tenant of an FLR and currently N does not practice that. She controls our sex life but does not place restrictions on me other than I am not to view porn at all. She knows I masturbate but does not restrict it or ask me to seek permission. I posted something similar recently but I am still searching for answers. In my case if orgasm control is what she wants then that is what will happen. In my mind that does not make me any less submissive but others’ views would seem that without this element of control, “true” submission does not exist. Am I in an FLR, who knows? What I do know is that my relationship has grown and strengthened and we have found something that works for us. How far this goes depends on N. I will gladly follow.

      In response to your specific questions. I am not disciplined. I am corrected verbally on the first instance and to be honest that is all the correction I need. I haven’t treated her well on many occasions over the years and I really hurt through my gambling addiction. It's a miracle she didn't walk then. I am on a journey of atonement and my recent revelations around a FLR have given me the path to follow. By way of example I recently completed the laundry but due to rain I dried the sheets in the dryer. N told me that she wants them air dried in the sun. Note taken and if the weather prevents me doing this in the future then I will iron them to give them the ‘fresh’ feeling of air dried sheets. Fairly tame example but illustrates how I feel about her direction. I certainly listen to her far more closely that I have ever done.

      The spanking is whole other matter. Why N consents to spank me I am not really sure about. I get a sense that her enjoyment comes from some undertone of sadistic tendencies, but they seem very minor on the scale of things. If she didn't like it she would not do it.

      For me, it helps me focus on the present. A kind of mindfulness. My brain seems to go at a million miles an hour and doesn’t stop. Meditation or more direct mindfulness doesn't seem to work for me. I could try hypnosis – N is a fully qualified hypnotherapist but I'm wary of that. So spanking and processing the pain and sensations seems to bring the focus I need. It is not sexual for me or arousing. Depending on my mood it can take anywhere from 5 – 15 minutes of spanking to reach that point. N knows when I get there as I fall silent and just absorb everything. Afterwards I find myself in a relaxed state and my brain is reset.

      Regards DtBHC.

    3. DtBHC,

      Thank you for sharing so honestly. I really really do not think that there is any one path of FLR. In many ways, that was the point of this blog. To show how many different ways this can exist.

      I understand you have insecurities or people have opinions on what is best, or right or true...but at the end of the day, it is really just what is right and true for you. I hope that discussions of these topics will not make you feel any less than the wonderful and caring man you seem to be.

      I really believe that each person does their own thing in this and different things work differently for each person. For example, I have read chastity being a punishment and a joy. Or same with certain other sexual acts or even wearing panties. Each relationship is unique, and I do not think you are any less submissive because you have one or another element but not some.

      I understand the idea of cathartic release and focus you describe. I think it is actually a very useful tool.

  3. Good luck in finding the right balance that works for you both. Yes, flouncing is not a good idea. You should be calm and confident and in charge and directing him. Instead of getting angry, show him that he is expected to obey. I know you want balance but you can probably meet his submissive needs by being strict with him and making demands. Do you have any tasks for him to perform? Are you into things like orgasm control?


    1. Florida Dom,

      That is exactly what I am striving for- to really embrace being in charge, but it is newer in application.

      He does have specific tasks he is in charge of and I recently assigned more household responsibilities generally to him. He seems to be enjoying the new responsibilities and in serving our household, but it is still new so there is some period of adjustment, like I assume there is always.

      We are exploring the orgasm control. In your experience, does that play outside of the bedroom as well or something that just controls a particular need. More than anything I am trying to work through all of the different aspects of this to get my mind around how to do this in a way I can feel comfortable and be the leader he deserves.

  4. First of all let me say that I love your blog Rhiannon. My wife and I have been in a FLR for about 3 1/2 years now and love it.When we started I understood that she would be the decision maker in our marriage. lWith that said she will ask my opinion on many things that come up in our relationship but I will support her final decision. As time goes on I'm sure your confidence will grow as the leader in the relationship.RR

    1. Thanks, RR! Do you ever get confused or wishing for less voice when your opinion is asked? I.e., does that make you feel like you or she has less confidence in the decision?

    2. I understand that I am the submissive partner in our marriage so when my wife asks my opinion or uses my suggestions I know that it is still her choice.So when she does it really helps my confidence .We feel like we are a team with my wife being the team leader.My wife is a strong willed and she knows she deserves to be the leader in our marriage and I wouldn't want it any other way.RR

    3. That is a great point, RR. Sometimes it is just as authoritative to say that his opinion matters then. Thanks for contributing.

  5. Sir nodded along as I read your post out loud this morning. We have started our D/s dynamic recently too and I think he really connected with everything you were voicing your concerns about. We both appreciate you writing this blog, him as a newer dominant and me as a woman trying to balance.

    Oh, and your Task of Sisyphus reference makes you my new favorite person.

    1. Thanks CollaredMom! Welcome. I am so glad you enjoyed my reference--Sisyphus is one of those references I just love.

      Please feel free to contribute (and/or your husband!).

  6. Hi Rhiannon,

    It is wonderful that you are sharing with us your quest to be the best dominant for your husband. It is clearly an indication of your deep love for him, that you want 'to figure out how to do it (mostly) right'. I would suggest that the only person who can show you how to be that dominant is your man. I found it interesting that you indicated that he had 'come across your blog' suggesting you hadn't told him about it. I wonder what he thought.

    It is laudable that you seek a balanced approach. The reality is that balance is never static; we are always out of balance, forever correcting. When you stand, your brain in continually taking measurements, correcting your posture in tiny ways we are rarely aware of, to keep you upright. It's only when we interfere with that process, like by getting drunk, that it fails and we fall over. So with dominance and submission; there will be times when you are too dominant for your husband, be open to the feedback and correct. It is unlikely any damage will be done, your love seems so deeply rooted.

    My Lady gave me one rule when she decided to re-instate our flr; that I must never refer her to blogs. That's frustrating as I really think yours would be helpful to her, however I do understand her intention. She has to discover/learn how to be dominant to match my submissiveness. We are unique, as are you and yours.

    In your reading of other blogs, you'll have come across those (mainly by men) who advocate locked chastity. Clearly the men get off on being locked; a submissive male needs only to know that his lady forbids him to play with himself - the one golden rule being always obey without exception (if you can't obey are you truly submissive) You'll have come across others that advocate 'forced' feminisation/ wearing panties - but surely force (whilst being a great fantasy) is unreal. My submission and that of your husband lasts just as long as we all want and agree to it.

    My lady had the wisdom to allow me each Thursday to ask for what I might want. She then considers it and implements or not. Her decision alone - in an flr it couldn't be any other way.

    all the best to you both


    1. Tony,

      Thanks again for such kind words. You are absolutely right that it is really only him that can show me. In some ways this feels like it is has happened so fast, but is also so right and changed so many of the struggles we had before. I forget sometimes that we are both just learning and starting this.

      With respect to the blog, you are correct. I had not told him. Because there is nothing identifying per se, I did not think he needed to weigh in on a choice I was making at that moment. He actually came across it while reading another blog that referenced it, and he asked. I knew he would eventually find it and he is pretty attuned to my voice at this point. Either that, or he thought perhaps I had found my Dominant sister of the web.

      I think he is happy that I am taking this seriously. That I am thinking through the intellectual and emotional parts of this, and this is just not some game for either of us. He may contribute in the future so I will let him add more to that if he wishes.

      You are also absolutely right re balance. Like many other aspects of life, I try to be perfect or get it exactly right. But that is really just a unicorn. I think in writing what I did that I was partially working through for myself (as well as maybe for others) that we do not always have to know all the answers. That it is complicated and may change, but does not impact the fundamental parts.

      Thank you for sharing your Thursday night discussion. That is interesting.

      This really is a journey. I am hoping to get better about setting the ultimate path or plan, and then work through from there. And I understand your Lady's perspective certainly, although I did suffer from feeling isolated when this first started because I really just do not know anyone who admits to this. I will hope she finds a friend or some other resource if that is what she needs/wants.

      I will hope you continue to contribute.

    2. Tony,

      Thank you for your kind words for my Mistress Wife's blog. First comment on here, and I'm somewhat new to blogging as well, but I just wanted to build on what Mistress R said about my finding the blog.

      To put it simply, I was thrilled. I love seeing Her step into Her role as my Queen and Mistress Wife and find satisfaction and fulfillment in it. As She said in another response, I have a journal that's just for Her. That helps me work out my own feelings about my submission to Her, and I hope this blog will do the same from Her perspective. Also, I hope either She or I can be helpful or at least interesting for other new Female (and Male) leaders and their subs.

      I find Her so incredibly beautiful as my Queen and loving Mistress Wife. My submission to Her is deeply fulfilling. And again, I hope this exploration of Her dominance and authority will add to Her satisfaction.

    3. Hello, Mistress, and thank you. You know how I love that!

    4. Awwwhhhh! So cute! Nice to see love and appreciation freely expressed.

      Regarding sexual control, orgasm denial, re-instilling courtship behaviour, and learning a bit about the psycho-chemical and psychology of many aspects of FLR/LFA, etc: a "must read" book is "Cupid's Poisoned Arrow" by Marnia Robinson. She has done her homework and makes a fairly good and very understandable presentation. Even though the book is not written specifically about FLR/LFA relationships, the concepts contained therein articulate very well into the psycho-sexual aspect of those types of marriages.

      It is available for download from serveral on-line book sources. I highly recommend that both you and subhubbie read it and discuss the concepts as you go through the book.
      While the fundamentals in the book are ageless ideas that have been espoused in various ancient philosophies and backed by modern science, Robinson did a good job putting a considerable amount of reliable information between the covers of the book.

  7. You asked about orgasm control playing outside the bedroom. In many FLR it does, especially if the sub is kept locked in chastity to make him feel more submissive. And many Femdoms have their subs bring them to orgasm with their tongues or fingers or vibe while the sub is denied. But again, you have to decide what is right for both of you. It's your decision. If he is a typical sub, he will love being in chastity so he feels more controlled but again, you are calling the shots and you have to do with what you are comfortable with. You seem to be making a very sincere attempt to make it work well and I want to wish you good luck.


  8. Thanks, FD. Appreciate the insight.

  9. Balance is a journey and not a destination. In any relationship it is constantly changing and dynamic in process. In F/m relationship there seems to be an inexorable force pushing the boundaries of both, toward more dominance in the wife and more submission in the husband. But there are equilibrium points that govern each relationship and all are different. Honestly I wouldn't worry much about balance as long as both of you are fulfilled by the developing relationship. Balance " evens itself out. Also on orgasm control discussed above, a wife firmly taking control of her husbands cock and orgasms is very powerful. Many use mechanical devices. We don't and my wife just forbids masturbation without explicit permission and when we make love I must ask before I climax.She is strict about masturbation but allows it if sex isn't possible and almost always lets me climax when we make love. But as a male I will tell you having your cock under her control is both thrilling and chastening.. I think it is something many men need and most couples would benefit from even without a DD or FLR relationship.


    1. Alan,

      Thanks for the perspective. I absolutely see the intense power that could have over a male. And frankly, I think many of the general principles of these types of relationship (respect, decision making in one place, service, accountability) would benefit most couples.

  10. Hey Rhiannon,
    I am a submissive husband and we have an FLR of sorts. It's mainly wife controlled in the bedroom. Basically, I initiate sex, pleasure her and then ask permission for my own orgasm. I accept whatever her decision is without complaint; suffice it to say that it's not always "yes".

    I find that the neurochemicals* in my brain work to make me a better husband, what I call "courtship behaviour". Basically, my world begins to revolve around her like when we were dating (>20 years ago). I do things for her, I try to impress her. She loves it, and I am not sure what wife wouldn't. I love the role reversal - sex is over when she says it's over (she basically just tells me, OK, it's time for bed) as opposed to once the male ejaculates. I enjoy submitting to her in this way, and she enjoys the control. We do have a male chastity device, but she does not use it much on me.

    That's my $0.02. I'd also add that it has taken a long time for us to get here. Lots of trial and error. It's hard to communicate, you really have to be conscientious and deliberate and honest. Good luck. I'm open to any questions you might have.

    * there is a biological basis for the "courtship behavior". During the sexual arousal stage, lots of dopamine is released, which reinforces the excitement and pleasure. When a male climaxes, this dopamine is eaten up by prolactin, which is also responsible for the resolution phase, which in men amounts to the "refractory" period when he can no longer have sex and generally becomes totally disinterested for a period of time (I actually get a little grumpy). Women don't have this, they can have multiple orgasms. When sex does not lead to this prolactin surge, oxytocin dominates. Oxytocin is called the "cuddle hormone". You get a surge of it when you physically hold someone, either platonically or in my case when I'm denied orgasm, in the physical touch that occurs during sex. I cuddle her tightly and can't get enough of her (it actually starts to bother her a little), and I want her more. We actually get along a lot better when she denies me.

  11. Thanks for stopping by, lovetosubmit. That's really interesting that you being denied impacts the relationship in a positive manner. Ours kind of started in the bedroom in all honesty and then we realized it kind of was something we both enjoyed in other aspects as well. I am really fascinated by all of the different ways this exists for people. I hope you will keep contributing.

  12. Hi Rhiannon,

    Your post raises a lot of complicated issues, but I wanted to take a second to talk about one topic in particular:

    "I worry sometimes that even asking how he is or what he is feeling or where he wants to come out on something that I am somehow shirking my responsibilities to take ownership of the decision(s)."

    I see this as a variation on the supposed "problem" of "topping from below." If he expresses what he needs, or if you ask him for that input, either he is topping you or you are an ineffective leader. Rubbish! I think that one concept has created more problems for more new DD and FLR couples than any other concept. In real-life relationships, couples taking their relationship in a new direction actually talk. You are no expected to be a mind-reader, and you can't fault yourself for not being one.

    I think it is critical for any functional DD relationship that the partners talk. A lot. Err on the side of communication. Neither of you can be expected to know what is working and not working for the other if you don't communicate it. When my wife and I first started thinking about going from DD to experimenting a bit more with somethign closer to FLR, I asked her, several times, whether she really liked the idea of stepping up into more of a leadership role. And, somewhatt to my surprise, she repeatedly assured me that while it might go against the grain of how she had been raised, she actually was very happy to take things in that direction, confirming that bossing me around gave her quite a thrill. And, I did ask repeatedly whether doing it felt like a burden or an obligation.

    And, it is important to keep talking, because things don't always turn out like you think. It sounds like your husband actually likes the "service" style of FLR. I thought I might and asked my wife to experiment with it. To my surprise, I hated it. But, she did not. She likes it just fine! So, now we are navigating those waters.

    You have a husband who seems to want you to err on the side of bossiness and discipline. My suggestion is, go for it! But, let him know that if it becomes something that isn't working, he not only can, but is ordered to, let you know.

    My two cents.


    1. Dan, You raise excellent points. Communication is so key, and nothing really ever turns out like you expect. I do not subscribe to the topping from the bottom, if anything I worry I am topping with disappointment to the bottom by not meeting the general want or need for control and authority

    2. Dan, very well said! You touched on an issue that is a sore spot with me: the silly concept of "topping from the bottom". I am heartened that Miss Rhiannon also rejects the idea. I have been involved in alternative relationship choices from many years before the Internet became popular. Brevity dictates that I not delve into why I believe that the concept of topping from the bottom is an ambiguous and misleading construct based on so-called D/s "protocols", which are also so varied and arbitrary as to render the concept confusing and essentially useless. I usually suggest that a beginning Dom or sub strive to study and learn of the underlying psychology, sociology and psycho-chemistry that underpins their desired relationship and go from there. A building is only as good as its foundation.

      I am also of the opinion, that while FLR/LFA marriages may share some similarities with and have the same psycho-social foundations, to try to apply the "rules" and so-called "protocols" of pop-culture Net-inspired BDSM-Ds/ "scene" concepts to a real-life female centred marriage can lead to much frustration and disillusionment.

      Yes, in my experience as a long-time Top/Dom and now in an evolving LFA marriage some concepts seem to be universally shared and work well: sexual control, accountability, punishment, clear communication between parties, mutual respect, etc. but pop-culture "D/s" and the establishment of a stable and fullfliling real-life full-time female-centric marriage are different universes.

      Keep an open mind and open beart. Do not over complicate or over analyse things. Realise that your marriage is unique and that there exists few absolutes or protocols other than the ones you and your husband work out together as your relationship evolves. Trust that there is no "right path" other than the one you establish step by step in a direction that works for you. The path will unfold but, as you can see, it takes work on your part.

      I clearly see that you are impatient to get on the right path; but that path does not yet exist. You are constructing the path every day, every minute. I detect you are too hard on yourself. Stop being so.

      Do realise that both of you must act from the heart and be yourselves in the now. Some people are more inclined and "wired" for dominance or submission. When two people with those complimentary inclinations come together it makes for an easier transition and settling into their respective roles. If not, I think the foundations can be learned and FLR established but for it to have any possibility to work it is going to take a lot more emotional energy and effort.

      Relax, communicate together, have fun. Make it like your early dating days where you both (hopefully) had fun learning of each other and establishing your way forward as a couple. This journey is little different.

      May wonders unfold!

  13. Thank you for your thoughtful comments and support of Mistress R's blog, Dan. Just this sub's take, but it's not bossiness necessarily that I crave more and more from Mistress R. It's a broader feeling of Her leadership and ultimate authority. For us, that includes being an active and participatory submissive partner in our life together. It's a fine distinction, and one that to your point includes discipline, but at least not right now one that includes what I'd describe as bossiness.

    That said, Mistress does sometimes call herself the "Little Boss," which I love. One of many ways she's embraced the authority, love and fun of Her leadership.
