Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Hydra That Is Living A FLR

Thanks to everyone who still reads even when my postings are sporadic, at best.  Life just has a way of interfering in consistency in any activity.  That holds especially true for our FLR as well.  And while I find that certain aspects work without much effort, certain things need constant attention and refocusing.

Perhaps the most complicated part of being in an FLR is consistency.  Either in the form of balance or just literal consistency in setting a plan of action and following up on it, I find that is the single hardest thing to maintain.  It is a topic I have blogged about before, but each time it comes up, it is different and seems to have sprouted a new head like the ancient Hydra.

We have been going through a period of change and my husband has been struggling with some life changes that make me nervous about imposing a stricter FLR.  I worry constantly that if he is upset or focused on something else, that my pushing him and demanding submission could somehow throw off the balance of his emotions and crush him.  I do not actually think that would happen, but it is probably the thing that does (or should) worry every female leader.  In a weird twist of fate, I think more order and clarity is probably exactly what he both needs and wants.

This is compounded by the fact there are very few resources for a female HoH.  While I am thankful for the various blogs that do exist and stay in the realm of reality rather than leather clad fantasy or pure role playing,  this just is not as well established as the male HoH community.  In a lot of ways, I cannot even read those types of blogs-- the religious DD blogs freak me out because I do not believe in an inherent superiority or ordained right to exercise my will over my husband.  Rather, this is a product of our mutual agreement about how our life works better if I am just in charge.

But we are real people.  We both have jobs, kids, family and responsibilities that all need to be ordered. And in taking on this role, that is just what I agreed to do.  To take responsibility for the decisions, to own the choices I make, to set clear expectations and to follow through in making sure they are met.  I am pretty comfortable with making choices and owning the decisions.  Several commenters have made the excellent point that strong leadership is about making the decision, even if wrong, and owning it.  Being paralyzed by a decision makes for an ineffectual leader and one who does not inspire confidence.

What I struggle much more with as time goes on is remembering the impact I have on him. This takes the form of me forgetting that my words impact him more than they used to. Rather than my old marriage where I could flounce out of a room or tell him to shut up and it would just prolong the fight, if I do that now, my husband feels it.  He either quite literally stops talking or feels the sting of me walking away in a way much different way than someone who has not embraced being submissive.  This is one thing I think all female leaders have to be aware of- men are sensitive too and when they agree to this, we owe them the respect to be a real leader all the time.  We owe them that we will not just throw out barbs in the same way we might if the scales were more balanced. This is something I have to work on and be constantly in the mindset of being in control.  Not letting it go just because I am angry or don't want to deal with it right then.  This is the choice I made too, and I owe him that I understand the constant nature of this role.

What I think makes this even more complicated is the layer of being able to say, I am in charge- right or wrong. Just fucking deal with it.  I have said that sometimes, and while it is technically true, it is probably not that helpful for growing our bond and connection.  It is important to say that sometimes I think, to just put an absolute reminder that the female is in charge, but it can easily turn into a default that takes the responsibility away for really thinking through a decision or impact.  I am working on that right now to make sure that it does not just become the baseline where I no longer take specific stock of what the fuck is going on and the best way to address it.

The other issue I struggle with--and I would guess most couples in this do as well--is the accountability/consistency component.  If you are going to lead your husband, you need to be clear.  The whole point of this is to acknowledge the shift in authority, not just do it through passive ways like in a more egalitarian relationship.  So saying what you want and meaning it, as well as following through, squarely fall on the shoulders of the female leader.  That means if I want the table fixed by a specific date, I have told him.  If he does not, there is a consequence.  This is the ideal way of handling things, and that it is the same for every task, every day.

I will be honest that I slack in this area probably most of all. I say I want specific things done, but I do not always follow up on them because either we have other things going on or I do not feel like I care that much at the moment.  While, again, this is technically fine because I am in charge so I can discard or change something at will, it makes for some unfair and confusing expectations.  Right now I have recommitted to setting real expectations and following up on them.  I have to. It is just not fair to keep going this way because he may think I do not care about something (because I haven't for weeks) and then I am pissed when it does not get done.  That flies in the face of the exact thing this relationship is supposed to accomplish--clear expectations and a system of accountability.

As a leader, one of the most important jobs is to realistically assess what is needed and what is important.  We have to set clear boundaries and enforce them consistently, and be in touch enough with our own plan/requirements to know what is important and what can be let go.  But, this too, has to be communicated from the start.  If I don't really care that much about something getting done, but then get angry later that it has not been accomplished, that is more on me than him.  While the "I'm in charge" card can be played to change some things, it really is not fair to use it without real connection to its impact on the relationship.  If that is the only way it gets used, then this is really just a loose set of constructs that may or may not be enforced.  It is not how I want to run my house because he deserves to know what I want, when I want it and how I want it with some consistency.  He also needs, as I think most submissive men do, the assurance of knowing there is a consequence if it is not done.  That is what makes this type of relationship beautifully simple--he does not have to think about why, whether it makes sense or how to do it.  He knows what is expected, to do it and what will happen if he does not.  

I would love to hear from all of you about your feelings on this topic, what works for you (or you need from your FLR), what types of consequences work best, etc.  This community is strengthened by shared experience and collective wisdom.


  1. Hi Rhiannon
    I will call myself back nine. I have been a sub for a very long time. I must admit, off and on. My experience indicates to me that you and your wife must agree that she will be in charge, and that he will obey, but for him to obey, he must be told to do something , anything, but he must be told, not asked, not thank you, not please. Just do it because I told you to do it. If he wants this than he wants to do as he is TOLD, and you shoul put it in your mind to enjoy your power, that's what he wants, and you should take advantage of . Enjoy it, make it fun, make it interesting he will love you for it. He wants to know that he will not get away with much, and that he knows you will move into action when he try's to test you. It is then that he will do thing without being told, as long as he knows that he will be punished if something he knows should be done, and he didn't do it. Be strict, he wants it.

    1. Hi Backnine,

      Thanks for contributing. I do agree he wants a strict wife. It does not mean I do not struggle with how to concretely make that happen, but I do try to enforce it. I am currently embarking on a more strict campaign to make sure we are all on the same page. Thanks for your input Please keep contributing.

  2. Well I can speak for my own FLR and one of the the first things I had to let go of was my ego even though it would want to try to creep back in from time to time but after a couple years it really hasn't been problem any more.In our FLR my wife will ask me for my input or advice while knowing that she can decide what she wants. So this way it all really doesn't fall all on her shoulders .My wife has given me more responsibility over the last few years but this is something I ask for .If I would neglect my responsibilities seeing her disappointed would be something that would bother more than any kind of discipline.Our communication has improved since our FLR and was we needed to work on prior to our new relationship.Hope this helps some.My wife and I both agree that our FLR has been the best for our marriage. Take care..R R

    1. Thanks, RR. I also agree with an active participant. It is critical to the FLR I want.

  3. Hello Rhiannon,

    I have a FLR and my SO is always struggling with theses same issues yo are not alone. When we first met it was a love of shared interests and expectations that made us what we are today...She is firmly in charge and although we are on hiatus for a while, do to life issues that get in the is never far from our thoughts...she knows she has the power and can bring when needed firm bare bottom discipline. She swings a mean paddle and hairbrush.


    1. Hi Stevie,

      Thanks for contributing. I hope you will keep posting.

  4. You are quite sensitive to how your submissive feels during times when you may be less than consistent as a leader, and you seem to be concerned about fairness, all of which is fine, but I wonder if it is entirely necessary? I guess on one level it is, because that is how you feel. And you are correct when you write that "clear expectations and a system of accountability" are what this kind of relationship is supposed to accomplish. But I think expectations and accountability can be maintained in the absence of perfection on your part. That is, if you are sometimes inconsistent or unfair and it impacts your submissive a bit, what is the true harm? After all, what is the ultimate purpose of those expectations and that accountability in the first place? Their purpose, I would think, is to support you as head of household and to make your life easier, and I would wager that making your life easy is precisely what your sub wants, too. If now and then things might be unclear or unfair, well, that just goes with the territory, I would think. It's just another part of true service. My Mistress and I have reached a point in our relationship in which my routine duties are pretty much etched in stone, with her comfort coming before all else. I pretty much know what to do, most of the time. Sometimes I don't quite get it, or I miss something, and I have been punished unfairly more times than I can count --though more often than not, if I had simply asked the right questions or paid better attention, it wouldn't have happened. But moments of unfairness are balanced by knowing that she expects me to do better, to improve, because she values what I do for her. I thrive on that. Subs (well, I'm considered a slave) tend to thrive on being controlled, even when things become less than fair.

    1. Brian,

      I think it is just that we are still new to this. And I do not want to diminish the gift he has given to me. So I constantly worry about whether I am fair or doing what he needs. It may ebb in time, but right now I want to make sure I am not damaging him. We came from vanilla so all of this is new.

  5. I outlined some of my consequences under your previous post and explain there that, I agree, life gets in the way of consistency with effective consequences.

    In light of this post I'll say DD works best with me. I work full time and do all of the house cleaning along with kid duties, etc. Therefore, though my wife has used other consequences such as restricting my privileges, I don't have a lot of free time anyway. So the consequence isn't that profound. I'm not losing much.

    She has found a good, hard spanking works best. The pain is a reminder of my error, but the spanking also communicates to me the depth of her authority. Combined together these factors make DD effective on me. I can't speak for others.

    1. I agree. There is nothing like a hard spanking to remind him.

  6. Hi Mistress Rhiannon

    I really do enjoy reading your perspective as the female HoH and the challenges that you face in that role. It helps me to gain an insight into the challenges my own wife might be facing in leading our household. I do thank you for your continued contribution to my understanding of this dynamic.

    In the early part of your post you talk about still needing to constantly keep on top of consistency and pushing him and demanding his submission. Is that a true statement or does he offer his submission and seek your control ? I would have thought that this reluctance phase would be over. In my opinion if you still need to demand submission then that is going to be a very challenging dynamic to maintain long term.

    In my case I recognise the benefits that we all gain by living within a FLR. I willingly submit and need little in the way of direct control. I would have expected this to get easier and easier for you as he learns your routines, desires and wants.

    I really try and make this as easy as possible for N’s leadership. By listening intently to the things she says, taking everything she says as an ‘order’. If it doesn't sound right I seek clarification and confirmation but then get on with whatever I've been asked to do. I’m required to show initiative and anticipate her needs. Occasionally I get this wrong but I accept the consequences should this occur. Often all it requires is to redo it the way she wants it.

    I don't think it's fair to be a passive follower if you have consented to submit. I believe that the submissive owns an equal part of the outcome, has a specific role to play within the relationship and should not need continual supervision and guidance. If he isn't meeting even these basic expectations if would have to question the whether he is genuine in wanting you to be the HoH.

    As always please keep writing,


    1. DtBhC, He does offer submission but I still feel as the HOH, I need to make sure it is there in the way I want. We are only one year into this so I think we may still have some things to align. But, he is really an excellent submissive husband. Most of this is on me, as it is in being in charge.

  7. Dear Ms, Rhiannon,

    If I may offer some ideas, one thing that may help in the consistency department is some kind of honey-do list. It can be one that you complete and hand over to your husband, or one that you have him maintain and add or remove things from. I don't know you or your husband, but I believe that having Victoria tell me to go fetch my list and bring it to her would already provide some of the sense of control that I crave.

    If you have trouble remembering what you asked for, you can ask your husband to bring the list and you'll have right in front of you to ask him about his progress and provide feedback and correction if needed.

    This type of list could also help with the clarity part because you may add a due date to the items on the list and once you make the review of the list a regular practice, you don't have to worry about forgetting what you asked for and when.

    Last but not least, I want to thank you for sharing your perpectives with us. We know you don't have to, so we are grateful when you do.

    1. Thanks, vs-boy. The honey do is certainly a great idea. Please keep contributing.

    2. We actually use Wunderlist, which is a great app to accomplish a lot of this.

  8. Rhiannon,

    THANK YOU for writing this! I am the HOH in a traditional M/f DD relationship. I write respectful that this is an FLR sanctuary and I am a guest here. If I am not welcome or make others uncomfortable please let me know, feel free to delete this comment, and I will withdraw. If not, I'll continue...

    SO MUCH of this post resonated with me! The protectiveness you feel, the responsibility you feel as you step into this role. The difficulty in consistency and the feeling inside me that I owe it to my sub. Thank you for this.

    I have cut a whiteboard in half and screwed the halves to the doors of the hall closet, and there we maintain the family To-Do list and planning. An important part of our morning is planning meeting where I lay out what I expect to get done today. My TIH has trouble managing big-picture schedules and I am adept at it so I take that role, while grinding through a list of tasks is where I am the weaker half and my spouse truly excels. The planning has become a ritual for us that makes everything go smoother... except, as you wrote, consistency is hard.

    I feel so grateful to have a spouse who wants to step up and handle the tasks I assign, and I want to honor that by stepping up and making clear objectives and consequences. I personally do not punish when I have not communicated an expectation, but that's just our dynamic--we both feel that "unfair" punishments are not a desirable component for us because it doesn't reinforce the roles we see in each other, but we respect others for whom it helps their submission. For my TIH fairness and justice are things worth asking for, and as HOH I have agreed to step up and provide them rigorously.

    I am just now having my eyes opened to the world of FLR and finding it as magical and amazing as the world of DD was to us when we first entered it. I have learned so much about myself from your post and I am grateful.

    Thank you!

    (I run a forum but this is my first comment here so I'll wait until I know if I'm welcome here before posting it, lest it come across as link spam.)

  9. Dave: You are most certainly welcome here. While this is obviously a female written blog, I do not think the struggles associated with either being a male HOH or a female submissive would not be welcome as points of discussion. Many of them are likely the same or similar. This happens to be our journey but what works for some works better in opposite for others. Thank you for your thoughtful post. Please feel free to keep contributing.

  10. I've said this before. I am really impressed with your blog. Real people leading real lives with a FLR or D/s relationship. It's nice to have your voice on-line. Kink and titillation are fine, but reading about reality and personal trials with FLR are appreciated here. B

    1. Thanks very much, B. I try to make this a real and honest account of the trials, tribulations and successes of this journey. Please keep stopping by!

  11. I am looking at this simply because I love being spanked by my wife. I don't know why it is just simply erotic to me. I am very sure though that I do not want a female led relationship although some of the things they do excite me. As it it I remain the head of house and apart from the spanking, which isn't for discipline, everything seems to work great.

  12. I am currently in a cage. We have a contract for a trial period. I find that I feel much closer to my wife when caged. She is the only woman I would ever have given total control (ownership really) of my penis. Since we signed the contract, I have had 4 full releases and she has had 41 orgasms. 3 of my releases have been in the past 4 days. So I actually only had one release during the first 41 days of chastity. When and how I cum is totally up to her and this makes me feel so much closer to her. I keep a journal where I list my feelings, fantasies, life experiences etc. I am totally honest in this journal and my wife will read it every few days. In this way she is able to keep contact with my most private thoughts and will sometimes initiate conversations based on my writings. I think I advocate for caging... but each couple has to do their own thing. I should point out that my wife and I are monogamous... While we both like to play in public, we like it to be with each other.
